Tuesday, January 31, 2006
it'slingi chilingi neselingi knewlingi earlingi liaolingi! howlingi timelingi flieslingi sialingi...
golingi inglingi fromlingi houselingi tolingi houselingi islingi surelingi tirelingi ringlingi sialingi.
thislingi yearlingi againlingi soolingi littlelingi moneylingi. soblingi soblingi.
Alingi friendlingi oflingi minelingi gotlingi likelingi onelingi kaylingi lastlingi yearlingi larlingi. Haolingi xianlingi mulingi worlingi~
Foundlingi outlingi thatlingi lifelingi islingi soolingi vulnerablelingi.
severallingi oflingi myylingi relalingi teethslingi actuallingi leelingi unlingi derlingi wentlingi operationslingi... bylingi passlingi, backlingi bonelingi oplingi etclingi-- symptomslingi oflingi oldlingi age. andlingi tolingi thinklingi eyelingi onlylingi noelingi aboutlingi eatlingi nowlingi. hai. shenlingi minglingi shilingi duolingi molingi delingi cuilingi ruolingi yalingi. Eyelingi dunlingi wannlingi nalingi growlingi oldlingi!!
maneelingi thingslingi havlingi changedlingi. peolingi plelingi growlingi differentlingi lelingi. myylingi cousinlingi beelingi cumlingi soolingi differentlingi. soolingi biglingi lelingi...
-my clslingi happenlingi tolingi havelingi thislingi wierddlingi hablingi bitlingi of lingilingi inglingi. alsolingi dunnolingi howlingi itlingi startlingi tedlingi. onlylingi knowlingi itlingi originatedlingi onlingi thelingi carnivallligni daylingi. o yarlingi speakinglingi of carnivalslingi. pleaselingi belingi warylingi oflingi littleligni kidslingi manlingi!! onelingi littlelingi kidlingi camelingi runninglingi towardslingi melingi withligni seeminglylingi endlesslingi staminalingi, andlingi superundyinglingi determinationlingi tolingi splatlingi meelingi withlingi thelingi creamlingi. grrrrrr... stoopid kids.
omanlingi eyelingi havelingi aligni feelinglingi thislingi entrylingi islingi abitthelingi hardlingi tolingi readlingi sialingi. hahalingi. solingi dunlingi botherlingi readinglingi itlingi manlingi. coslingi there'slingi notlingi muchlingi contentlingi inlingi eatlingi. trustlingi melingi. (izzitlingi toolingi latelingi tolingi telllingi ulingi nowlingi?)
lingi lingi lingi.
Friday, January 20, 2006
to: editors@heroestrib.com
from: lingwilly@hotmail.com
cc: klnxj@yahoo.com
title: the heroes tribute.
dear editors.
i've just received a free copy of the christmas special.
firstly, i would like to thank the 2 magnificent, fabulous, incredible editors for puttin a seemingly familar face on the coverpage of the heroes tribute. (eventhough it's only one page)
but i wanna say is that erm.. your advertisement is totally misleading.
as we all know, sky high is a total COPYCAT.
copies x-men, fantastic four, magic schoolbus and whatsoeva.
and to think that magic schoolbus actually praised it... i have nuttin to say man!
it's amazing how a one page- fortycents paper could cost $17.05... *qiao zha arh*
Surprisingly, the story happens to be about this super brain powered guy that i know. he is actually very MATURE. not as childish like what you guys have written. guess you guys need to re-edit on your future news. and as for e picture it looks abit *erhm*...
even though the newspaper came a little late,
even though the picture looks a little wierd,
even though the advertisements are a little misleading,
even though the newspaper is a little expensive,
and even though the news is a-bit-uneditedd,
but i stil appreciate the good-quality-paper,
and the nice string.
thanks guys. =)
-signing off
Thursday, January 19, 2006
the battle between the brave warriors and the evil conquerer has begun.
once again.
cannons, missles, fire.
who suffers? the land. the magnificent land of Misterling.
why? why!
why in the world must i have a soo goddamn, bloody digusting, sucky immune system!
i hate it. why the war? i am tired. so tired..
i just rode in my mum's brand new car.
first hand silver colored car wor~
shiny car.
clean car.
a much smaller car.
i miss myy dadd.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Short entry
so i shall type a short entry.
i won G*RY not once. not twice. but THRICE in bowling!!
won him once in 1v1 8ball pool.
am i gr8 or wad man..
(dun worry gary. i wun reveal ur name...)
-the short entry-
Saturday, January 07, 2006
First day of school
Just ended 4 days ago..
Standing on the same parade square.
Seeing the same blue sky.
Seeing the same old faces..
but something has changed.
we were no longer standing at the same positions.
we were no longer enjoying our first three months like we did b4.
we were no longer the people we were before..
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Year
Firstly, i'd like to begin my first entry by saying...
I noe e last time i blogged was juz abithelongago. but nuttin to sayy mah.
Hmm. Let's see. New Year should hav this wierd-thing called resolutions rite.
I have one too...
1) Studiee hard for A levels and get good results (Shldn be too hard when i've learnt hw to unleash my superbrainpowers_..)
2) Exercise thrice a week until i'm able to get bloody silver for NAPFA.
3) ATTEMPT to do every piece of homework assignment.
4) Finish up with the damn NYAA diary by April.
5) Get less sick and recover for the 4-months-long cough.
6) Spend less time on the net, and go sleep before 11.59pm everyday.
7) Remember and follow myy resolutions..
ooo-YES! i can do it!
2005 was a rather happening year for me, with all the BATAM trip, the JAPAN trip, the BANGKOK trip, the La'viver activities,the super-long-ProjectWork etc..
2006, i'm sure everybody would lyk to begin e yr w a gr8 start. I had myy great start too!
0000hrs - fireworks
0015hrs - left esplanade
0200hrs - reached home and sleep
1100hrs - woke up.
1200hrs - had fever.
HOW great.

^Kingkong' in Bangkok..
Saw a tv commercial. SPYgame. one guy said.
*in life, it's not how you control the game. it's how the game controls you.. *