Saturday, August 16, 2008

do people really donate out of good will?
or izit cause...
1) they just wanna empty out their purse to make it less heavy.
2) they are with their girl and they want to make themselves appear generous.
3) they want something good in return.
4) they are interested in vouchers that might be given out.
5) they just find the lil' girl they are donating to pretty.

then again.. on the receiving side,
are they really volunteering to spend their Saturdays outside helping, out of good will?
or izit cause...
1) they just want the cip points.
2) they were forced into it.
3) or worst still, the undisclosed commission that comes with the donation.

how many people are actually donating and volunteering out of their own will?
how many people are really that kind?
its a dog eat dog world.
people are selfish.
face it.
i've realised that it is much more worthwhile
to spend money on luxury items than food.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Heroes do not have to be people in special costumes
or people with super strength abilities.

They do not need to be people of high authority and power,
or those who have super-high expectations of themselves and others.

they can be ordinary people,
just like you,
and me.

Fifty-four foxtrot.
my unit suckx.
gotta go outfield on the national day.
my unit suckx.