3 quotes to share...
1st is about DOTS.
you cant connect the dots looking forward,
you can only connect them backwards.
you have to trust in something,
you got destiny life karma... anything.
Because believeing that the dots will connect down the road,
will give you the confidence to follow ur heart,
even when it leads you off the bell borne path,
and that will make all the difference.
2nd is about LOVE and LOST
Dont' lose faith.
You got to find what you love.
Your work is going to fill large part of your life,
and the only way to do great work,
is to love what you do.
if you havent found it yet,
keep looking,
don't settle.
3rd is about DEATH
No one wants do die.
Even ppl who want to go to heaven,
they don't want to die.
and yet death is the destination we all share,
no one has escaped it.
and yet death is the best invention in life.
its life changing.
it clears out the old,
and makes way for the new.
and right now,
the new is you.
adapted from a speech by steve jobs.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
They say that success is often made up of 95% hardwork,
and 5% luck.
And even though luck might only be worth that mere 5%,
it plays huge role towards ensuring success.
as without even being given that chance,
no matter how hard you try,
you will never succeed.
i'm getting pretty frustrated at having to
constantly remind myself of the VERY FEW past "lucky" chance God has given me,
to constantly console myself that maybe i'm not that all unlucky.
I've always been trying desperately to change the tide,
trying to PREVENT all the possible flaws in my "big plan".
But problems beyond my capacity and reach will always be there to deter me.
It's been a long, turbulent journey,
and i'm getting sick and tired of the unexpected.
Four leaf clover, Hu Sheng Fu,
Luck is just what i need.
and 5% luck.
And even though luck might only be worth that mere 5%,
it plays huge role towards ensuring success.
as without even being given that chance,
no matter how hard you try,
you will never succeed.
i'm getting pretty frustrated at having to
constantly remind myself of the VERY FEW past "lucky" chance God has given me,
to constantly console myself that maybe i'm not that all unlucky.
I've always been trying desperately to change the tide,
trying to PREVENT all the possible flaws in my "big plan".
But problems beyond my capacity and reach will always be there to deter me.
It's been a long, turbulent journey,
and i'm getting sick and tired of the unexpected.
Four leaf clover, Hu Sheng Fu,
Luck is just what i need.
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Sometimes i wonder if the thoughts or the words that I say really portray what I feel.
sometimes it can be just a thought..
or things that happen to inspire me.
i think about it.
and then few days later i forget it..
and sometimes dun even remember it ever again..
I don't know why does it happen.
When I browse thru' other blogs and what'snot,
often the things that they say today, their likes and dislikes..
their mindset and philosophy,
often are consistent with those few years back.
I think I'm just too forgetful.
Then, there are times when I feel that I'm like quite fake..
always wanting to portray the politically correct side of me.
Maybe is just the environment that I grew up upon,
or the influence that my family had on me.
Till i find it hard to be real.
When I see people being so sincere,
so genuinely portraying their innocent side to others.
Often saying what they feel,
without the slightest tinge of "restraint"
I tend to envy them.
But i really dunno what's holding me back.
And I know that,
till the day i learn hw to take off my mask..
i'll nvr learn hw to change.
sometimes it can be just a thought..
or things that happen to inspire me.
i think about it.
and then few days later i forget it..
and sometimes dun even remember it ever again..
I don't know why does it happen.
When I browse thru' other blogs and what'snot,
often the things that they say today, their likes and dislikes..
their mindset and philosophy,
often are consistent with those few years back.
I think I'm just too forgetful.
Then, there are times when I feel that I'm like quite fake..
always wanting to portray the politically correct side of me.
Maybe is just the environment that I grew up upon,
or the influence that my family had on me.
Till i find it hard to be real.
When I see people being so sincere,
so genuinely portraying their innocent side to others.
Often saying what they feel,
without the slightest tinge of "restraint"
I tend to envy them.
But i really dunno what's holding me back.
And I know that,
till the day i learn hw to take off my mask..
i'll nvr learn hw to change.
I would also like to blog about my online business abit. lol.
To tell you the truth,
I have put in alot of effort into this business, this idea or this concept.
Sometimes i feel that I'm like really amazed at myself.
Since the day I started out with this concept in mind,
I wanted to mould it to become something different.
I wanted to try out something that not many people has tried.
I wanted to see what sort of powers do I possess,
and if it is possible to actually reach out to hitting the goals I set.
A few goals that I set for myself before I set foot on this journey.
- I wanted it to be a reliable and professional web-based business,
to give clients the due respect that they deserve,
and to give them a sense of security that this guy means business.
- I wanted to reach out to as many people as possible with all the various marketing strategies I can think off.
Wanting to see what form of advertising would be the best means,
with the final ambition of hitting the local newspapers.
- I wanted to form partnerships with fellow entrepreneurs,
and establish links and connections with a wide array of big firms.
- I wanted to have a constant reasonable supply of viewers,
who want to visit the website to know more.
- I wanted to expand my circle of clients,
reaching out to people beyond Singapore shores.
- I wanted to see if I could work with a team of friends towards moving in a common goal, despite all other commitments.
Till date, it has already been close to a good 7 months, since we first operated.
and we have heard both criticisms and compliments.
> There are those who will tell you that the business is impossible to sustain,
as there is no need for such a concept with this IT-savvy world.
--> True, but have you ever tried finding an item on your own before?
Let for example say a trophy shop? or a
lavendar-halterback-short-dress-for-a-wedding-occasion before?
Do you know the hassle of it? going through forums, ebays and whatsnot.
> There are those who will boil you down, telling you that the price is too steep.
That $20 is not worth making people go for it.
--> True, but what can $20 get you these days.
A 2-way trip on the MRT costs about $3. 6 days of MRT ride?
And if you were to go thru' the trouble that we took,
I doubt you will ever say again that $20 was all that we needed.
> Then, there are those who constantly asks and probes of the number of clients we had so far,
how much have we earned, with a slight smirk on their face.
--> I understand the concern (or the skepticism),
but I feel that it really isn't about the money we have put in or the number of clients we had.
It is really more of the experience.
I mean, it really is.
Throughout these 7 months, we had
- registered with acra,
- learned how to use adobe to make and edit a webpage,
- made a youtube video,
- appeared to be searchable in google,
- met up with officials from entreprise-one,
- hired our own marketers through classifieds,
- liaised with the SPF,
- distributed fliers in 3 major campuses,
- thought up of at least 7 marketing strategies,
- found countless of interesting shops,
- had business dealings with people beyond the "circle of friends"
- and eventually got published in the Straits Times.
Ya. I know its true that everything may seem simple.
It might be to you, but it ain't for me.
There really is a lot of satisfaction when you manage to find something that others might want.
Cause, I always believe that anything you can think of that might exist (be realistic of course), exists.
So before you ever ask about the current profit of this business,
ask about the lessons we have learned, and the road we have taken.
For that is the most valuable experience of all.
To tell you the truth,
I have put in alot of effort into this business, this idea or this concept.
Sometimes i feel that I'm like really amazed at myself.
Since the day I started out with this concept in mind,
I wanted to mould it to become something different.
I wanted to try out something that not many people has tried.
I wanted to see what sort of powers do I possess,
and if it is possible to actually reach out to hitting the goals I set.
A few goals that I set for myself before I set foot on this journey.
- I wanted it to be a reliable and professional web-based business,
to give clients the due respect that they deserve,
and to give them a sense of security that this guy means business.
- I wanted to reach out to as many people as possible with all the various marketing strategies I can think off.
Wanting to see what form of advertising would be the best means,
with the final ambition of hitting the local newspapers.
- I wanted to form partnerships with fellow entrepreneurs,
and establish links and connections with a wide array of big firms.
- I wanted to have a constant reasonable supply of viewers,
who want to visit the website to know more.
- I wanted to expand my circle of clients,
reaching out to people beyond Singapore shores.
- I wanted to see if I could work with a team of friends towards moving in a common goal, despite all other commitments.
Till date, it has already been close to a good 7 months, since we first operated.
and we have heard both criticisms and compliments.
> There are those who will tell you that the business is impossible to sustain,
as there is no need for such a concept with this IT-savvy world.
--> True, but have you ever tried finding an item on your own before?
Let for example say a trophy shop? or a
lavendar-halterback-short-dress-for-a-wedding-occasion before?
Do you know the hassle of it? going through forums, ebays and whatsnot.
> There are those who will boil you down, telling you that the price is too steep.
That $20 is not worth making people go for it.
--> True, but what can $20 get you these days.
A 2-way trip on the MRT costs about $3. 6 days of MRT ride?
And if you were to go thru' the trouble that we took,
I doubt you will ever say again that $20 was all that we needed.
> Then, there are those who constantly asks and probes of the number of clients we had so far,
how much have we earned, with a slight smirk on their face.
--> I understand the concern (or the skepticism),
but I feel that it really isn't about the money we have put in or the number of clients we had.
It is really more of the experience.
I mean, it really is.
Throughout these 7 months, we had
- registered with acra,
- learned how to use adobe to make and edit a webpage,
- made a youtube video,
- appeared to be searchable in google,
- met up with officials from entreprise-one,
- hired our own marketers through classifieds,
- liaised with the SPF,
- distributed fliers in 3 major campuses,
- thought up of at least 7 marketing strategies,
- found countless of interesting shops,
- had business dealings with people beyond the "circle of friends"
- and eventually got published in the Straits Times.
Ya. I know its true that everything may seem simple.
It might be to you, but it ain't for me.
There really is a lot of satisfaction when you manage to find something that others might want.
Cause, I always believe that anything you can think of that might exist (be realistic of course), exists.
So before you ever ask about the current profit of this business,
ask about the lessons we have learned, and the road we have taken.
For that is the most valuable experience of all.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
It has certainly been a whopping 72 days since I last blogged.
Well. what's happening?
Erm. okk.
Basically, within this 72 days,
- I wrote 5 essays in all to the 3 Unis,
hoping to get into ACC, but apparently,
the glimmer of hope seems to be diminishing.
- I attended all 3 Uni open houses (surprisingly free la)
and in the midst, visited Pioneer and Joo Koon 3 days after it was operational.
- I had a myriad of experiences in RBS,
all the boring moments,
hectic moments,
mischievous moments,
fearful moments,
mix-ed up moments,
angry moments,
funny moments,
sentimental moments,
and sad moments with the people in it.
And while I haven't bonded really well with the rest of the "regulars",
apparently the ones that left, have instead left me a lasting memories.
But nevertheless, it's been a fruitful 72 days then.
Moving on, I have another 72 days,
but it would definitely be much much less fun...
Office is significantly much quieter without that chatterbox.
- I went for numerous courses, like jap, waltz, adobephotoshop and now guitar.
- I finally hired my first "workers".
- I frantically studied my SATs, tried SATS, and took SATS.
- I went to Recruit Express, Adecco, P-serv, kelly Services, Staff Link, Capita. Viewed and reviewed JobsDB, JobsCentral and JobsStreet. But the irritating thing is that all jobs came only after I "signed on" in RBS...
- Frequently frustrated at the constant rising in stocks whenever I intend to buy them, and it will always be " Ah! should have bought 4 days ago..."
- I became 21.
It has certainly been a whopping 72 days since I last blogged.
Well. what's happening?
Erm. okk.
Basically, within this 72 days,
- I wrote 5 essays in all to the 3 Unis,
hoping to get into ACC, but apparently,
the glimmer of hope seems to be diminishing.
- I attended all 3 Uni open houses (surprisingly free la)
and in the midst, visited Pioneer and Joo Koon 3 days after it was operational.
- I had a myriad of experiences in RBS,
all the boring moments,
hectic moments,
mischievous moments,
fearful moments,
mix-ed up moments,
angry moments,
funny moments,
sentimental moments,
and sad moments with the people in it.
And while I haven't bonded really well with the rest of the "regulars",
apparently the ones that left, have instead left me a lasting memories.
But nevertheless, it's been a fruitful 72 days then.
Moving on, I have another 72 days,
but it would definitely be much much less fun...
Office is significantly much quieter without that chatterbox.
- I went for numerous courses, like jap, waltz, adobephotoshop and now guitar.
- I finally hired my first "workers".
- I frantically studied my SATs, tried SATS, and took SATS.
- I went to Recruit Express, Adecco, P-serv, kelly Services, Staff Link, Capita. Viewed and reviewed JobsDB, JobsCentral and JobsStreet. But the irritating thing is that all jobs came only after I "signed on" in RBS...
- Frequently frustrated at the constant rising in stocks whenever I intend to buy them, and it will always be " Ah! should have bought 4 days ago..."
- I became 21.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I guess God often work in miraculous ways.
He offers solutions in times of doubt and uncertainty.
He lends a helping hand when you are right on the cliff.
He gives you a window when the last door closes on you.
Just when you think you have a clear path ahead of you, he adds a little adversity.
Just when you think you are saved from falling, he removes that hand.
Just when you see the window, he adds a lock.
Life has been a lot of ups and downs for me since Secondary,
but of course, became more significant in the Army.
I was afraid, and weak.
But God gave me Alfred, Pangwei and many other friends to tie me thru' the arduous journey.
to pull me thru' all the seemingly endless route marches,
and the torturous "botak" period.
Then, he added IPPT, so that I wouldn't be able to join the rest to be future specialist.
I tried and tried, training hard each day.
Just when I almost gave up,
God gave me that much needed hand, to pass and become a specialist trainee in the
School of Infantry Specialist.
It was there where i realise that he added another hurdle.
the SOC.
I was demoralised when one by one, were one step ahead of me.
It was then, when God provided me with an alternative route.
to be a scout, to escape ASLC.
Yar. I was happy. for a moment though.
but upon seeing that i was the only one i knew in my whole Hotel Coy in 3SIR Btn,
My mood dropped 12 stories high.
So there i went in 3SIR,
he gave me a bunch of other fellow comrades,
to tie me thru' this period.
He gave me a bunch of people, who are probably the best lot I have ever known.
Enci. Hui Kai. Kenneth. Samuel. Kenny. Ignatius.
Timothy. ZhouXiang. Melvin. Jason.
and Toy.
Each of them played an important role in the second phase of my Army Life.
Bringing me thru' all the fast marches,
Giving me a lift when I needed help.
Guiding me through all the tough times we had.
I was complaining then. yes i admit.
but, I was glad.
In Atec S2, i once again witness the supreme powers of God.
The unbelievable coincidences,
the unity and cohesiveness amongst the 6 teams,
the willingness for each commander
to pull ourselves together to do one-last-good-one after all that we had been through..
is just amazing.
I was really impressed by Him.
After I ord, I moved on in search of the right path to the working world.
I guess I wanted a lot of things,
a lot of ambitions, a lot of dreams.
God gave me an opportunity to work in the Ministry of Manpower.
I was totally thrilled. But He took it away from me the next day.
He then gave me friends who are willing to accompany me to find jobs,
in NbyN, Recruit Express, Kelly Service, Adecco and BGC.
It took a while.
and just when I decided to shift to learning stuffs instead,
He gave me a job. 3 jobs actually.
NTUC, RBS and CNB job.
But He added quite a bit of headache in it.
Well, now at RBS,
when I am now made to be a little more occupied with my time,
and once again renewing my earning power,
He gave Toy received his confirmation to further his studies.
He pulled away my best-best friend.
And just today,
when I thought I was left work slightly earlier,
He gave me a train that crawled from stop to stop,
making the 38mins ride a 70mins one.
Life is certainly full of ups and downs.
Full of challenges, separations and joy.
But it thought me not to take for granted, the things closest to my heart;
not to run through life so fast that I'd forget where I had been,
but also where I would want to go.
It taught me how to learn, appreciate and move on,
that in every line, there is a start and an end.
It gave me lots of challenging obstacles,
lots of crossroads, where any direction doesn't seem to matter anymore.
It taught me that I won't be able to outwit, outsmart and outlast Him.
It taught me that its time to evolve,
and emerge a stronger,
and better me.
He offers solutions in times of doubt and uncertainty.
He lends a helping hand when you are right on the cliff.
He gives you a window when the last door closes on you.
Just when you think you have a clear path ahead of you, he adds a little adversity.
Just when you think you are saved from falling, he removes that hand.
Just when you see the window, he adds a lock.
Life has been a lot of ups and downs for me since Secondary,
but of course, became more significant in the Army.
I was afraid, and weak.
But God gave me Alfred, Pangwei and many other friends to tie me thru' the arduous journey.
to pull me thru' all the seemingly endless route marches,
and the torturous "botak" period.
Then, he added IPPT, so that I wouldn't be able to join the rest to be future specialist.
I tried and tried, training hard each day.
Just when I almost gave up,
God gave me that much needed hand, to pass and become a specialist trainee in the
School of Infantry Specialist.
It was there where i realise that he added another hurdle.
the SOC.
I was demoralised when one by one, were one step ahead of me.
It was then, when God provided me with an alternative route.
to be a scout, to escape ASLC.
Yar. I was happy. for a moment though.
but upon seeing that i was the only one i knew in my whole Hotel Coy in 3SIR Btn,
My mood dropped 12 stories high.
So there i went in 3SIR,
he gave me a bunch of other fellow comrades,
to tie me thru' this period.
He gave me a bunch of people, who are probably the best lot I have ever known.
Enci. Hui Kai. Kenneth. Samuel. Kenny. Ignatius.
Timothy. ZhouXiang. Melvin. Jason.
and Toy.
Each of them played an important role in the second phase of my Army Life.
Bringing me thru' all the fast marches,
Giving me a lift when I needed help.
Guiding me through all the tough times we had.
I was complaining then. yes i admit.
but, I was glad.
In Atec S2, i once again witness the supreme powers of God.
The unbelievable coincidences,
the unity and cohesiveness amongst the 6 teams,
the willingness for each commander
to pull ourselves together to do one-last-good-one after all that we had been through..
is just amazing.
I was really impressed by Him.
After I ord, I moved on in search of the right path to the working world.
I guess I wanted a lot of things,
a lot of ambitions, a lot of dreams.
God gave me an opportunity to work in the Ministry of Manpower.
I was totally thrilled. But He took it away from me the next day.
He then gave me friends who are willing to accompany me to find jobs,
in NbyN, Recruit Express, Kelly Service, Adecco and BGC.
It took a while.
and just when I decided to shift to learning stuffs instead,
He gave me a job. 3 jobs actually.
NTUC, RBS and CNB job.
But He added quite a bit of headache in it.
Well, now at RBS,
when I am now made to be a little more occupied with my time,
and once again renewing my earning power,
He gave Toy received his confirmation to further his studies.
He pulled away my best-best friend.
And just today,
when I thought I was left work slightly earlier,
He gave me a train that crawled from stop to stop,
making the 38mins ride a 70mins one.
Life is certainly full of ups and downs.
Full of challenges, separations and joy.
But it thought me not to take for granted, the things closest to my heart;
not to run through life so fast that I'd forget where I had been,
but also where I would want to go.
It taught me how to learn, appreciate and move on,
that in every line, there is a start and an end.
It gave me lots of challenging obstacles,
lots of crossroads, where any direction doesn't seem to matter anymore.
It taught me that I won't be able to outwit, outsmart and outlast Him.
It taught me that its time to evolve,
and emerge a stronger,
and better me.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Today might seem like just any other day to others.
The day still ends in 24 hours,
the sun still rises at 7.14am,
and RBS is still in Commonwealth.
But today would mark the day,
the day
when one of my best-best friend
will learn to spread his wings and fly.
Soon, all these are no more..
No more someone who totally understands what I am thinking w/o having to mention it.
No more someone who is willing to offer me a ride when I am late or "sleepy",
One less someone who is willing to hear me talk when I'm bored.
No more cheap indian flicks,
No more late night supper.
No more someone who is willing to follow me go to places when others backout last min.
No more someone who is willing to go to places I so badly want to go.
I just hope the bonds so painstakingly forged, will never weaken,
and the memories so deeply etched, will never be forgotten.
It is said that the ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain.
They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken.
Some bonds defy distance and time and logic;
Because some ties are simply...
meant to be.
Hopefully so.
"Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins?
It’s not on the calendar, it’s not a birthday, it’s not a new year,
it’s an event —big or small, something that changes us,
ideally it gives us hope,
a new way of living and looking at the world,
letting go of old habits,
old memories.
What's important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning,
but it's also important to remember amid all the crap
are a few things really worth holding on to.."- Meredith.
The day still ends in 24 hours,
the sun still rises at 7.14am,
and RBS is still in Commonwealth.
But today would mark the day,
the day
when one of my best-best friend
will learn to spread his wings and fly.
Soon, all these are no more..
No more someone who totally understands what I am thinking w/o having to mention it.
No more someone who is willing to offer me a ride when I am late or "sleepy",
One less someone who is willing to hear me talk when I'm bored.
No more cheap indian flicks,
No more late night supper.
No more someone who is willing to follow me go to places when others backout last min.
No more someone who is willing to go to places I so badly want to go.
I just hope the bonds so painstakingly forged, will never weaken,
and the memories so deeply etched, will never be forgotten.
It is said that the ties that binds us are sometimes impossible to explain.
They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken.
Some bonds defy distance and time and logic;
Because some ties are simply...
meant to be.
Hopefully so.
"Who gets to determine when the old ends and the new begins?
It’s not on the calendar, it’s not a birthday, it’s not a new year,
it’s an event —big or small, something that changes us,
ideally it gives us hope,
a new way of living and looking at the world,
letting go of old habits,
old memories.
What's important is that we never stop believing we can have a new beginning,
but it's also important to remember amid all the crap
are a few things really worth holding on to.."- Meredith.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
All these years, all a-lone
The wind'd passed, the rain'd gone
There were tears, there were wrongs
Still remember what we held dear
True "friends" love, will then know
Is lonely, to say goodbye
There are dreams, there is you
In our hearts
Friends walk this life to-ge-ther
Those days will ne-ver return,
Just one word, just one life
A life-time, over acup of wine
Withfriends will ne-ver be lonely,
Lifelong friends would un-der-stand
There are wounds, there is pain
Must still go,
our seperate ways.
All these years, all a-lone
The wind'd passed, the rain'd gone
There were tears, there were wrongs
Still remember what we held dear
True "friends" love, will then know
Is lonely, to say goodbye
There are dreams, there is you
In our hearts
Friends walk this life to-ge-ther
Those days will ne-ver return,
Just one word, just one life
A life-time, over acup of wine
Withfriends will ne-ver be lonely,
Lifelong friends would un-der-stand
There are wounds, there is pain
Must still go,
our seperate ways.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sunday, February 01, 2009
I totally hate it when people make religion just another money making opportunity.
Where people use the trust and faith of others to earn money for themselves..
In bangkok for example,
tons and tons of people flock from one temple to another praying and worshipping the gods above.
but with it comes a price.
First, a 30Baht entrance fee.
Then, 20 baht to buy joysticks and a few gold paper.
Followed by another 80 odd baht to LOAN a robe for prayer.
or 20 baht for you to throw coins in some bowl.
While the price might be low, and nothing much to some,
I mean, isn't this something quite saddening to witness?
People are now making use of others faith to make money these days.
In the streets of Thailand,
people find tapping into religion so profitable that
even fake protection plates are being sold and bargained for.
I mean, there shouldn't be a price to beliefs and faith anyway.
Even in Singapore,
while it the situation is much better,
Ping an fu's now cost $2 in some temple,
some incense papers costs $3,
and having your name handwritten on a board in marker costs $20..
With general costs of living rising over the years,
it looks like the inflation has not spared religions,
or at least temples, as well..
well, at least joysticks here,
are still free..
Where people use the trust and faith of others to earn money for themselves..
In bangkok for example,
tons and tons of people flock from one temple to another praying and worshipping the gods above.
but with it comes a price.
First, a 30Baht entrance fee.
Then, 20 baht to buy joysticks and a few gold paper.
Followed by another 80 odd baht to LOAN a robe for prayer.
or 20 baht for you to throw coins in some bowl.
While the price might be low, and nothing much to some,
I mean, isn't this something quite saddening to witness?
People are now making use of others faith to make money these days.
In the streets of Thailand,
people find tapping into religion so profitable that
even fake protection plates are being sold and bargained for.
I mean, there shouldn't be a price to beliefs and faith anyway.
Even in Singapore,
while it the situation is much better,
Ping an fu's now cost $2 in some temple,
some incense papers costs $3,
and having your name handwritten on a board in marker costs $20..
With general costs of living rising over the years,
it looks like the inflation has not spared religions,
or at least temples, as well..
well, at least joysticks here,
are still free..
Work can be really, really boring.
Sometimes, it is quite a torture to act busy,
to look busy,
and appear as though there are tons of work to do.
You cannot read.
You cannot surf.
And all you can do is navigate thru' excel words and ppt,
typing words..
words that do not seem to make much sense.
It's really boring.
So much so that,
I have already prepared instructions for my understudy when I leave office...
Sometimes, it is quite a torture to act busy,
to look busy,
and appear as though there are tons of work to do.
You cannot read.
You cannot surf.
And all you can do is navigate thru' excel words and ppt,
typing words..
words that do not seem to make much sense.
It's really boring.
So much so that,
I have already prepared instructions for my understudy when I leave office...
Haven't been updating this blog for quite some time,
so shall touch on first about my Chinese New Year experiences in Bangkok!
They say photo speaks a thousand words,
so my this post shld be quite long...
I shall post the slightly more interesting photos here,
but for the rest, you can always find them on facebook.

Doesn't this look like the RBS logo? lol. it seems to be called Central here.

They say in every ten thousand lobsters, there is only one blue lobster.

THis is a real cool picture taken with the CASIO digital camera.

After a long day shopping, its always feel good going for a little massage.

It may look simple, but it is definitely the best porridge i have ever tasted in the whole wide world!

I have seen dyed hair, but ever seen a dyed poodle?

They say with credit cards you can have numerous discounts. With the MBK smart purse, you can even save 2 baht when you visit the toilet!

Doesn't this look very familiar?

I guess these two should be artistes ba. Anyone knows who are they??

The Oh-so-ever familiar A&W. And my only regret in this trip, was to not eat in there... Even in Bangkok, A&W are few...

Short and stubby Bananas

Can you spot the buddha head...

Doesn't this look like the wooden elephant in Vivo?

You have seen black, white, brown eggs. but have you seen so many pink eggs?
Life's really much relaxing in Thailand than here......
so shall touch on first about my Chinese New Year experiences in Bangkok!
They say photo speaks a thousand words,
so my this post shld be quite long...
I shall post the slightly more interesting photos here,
but for the rest, you can always find them on facebook.
Doesn't this look like the RBS logo? lol. it seems to be called Central here.
They say in every ten thousand lobsters, there is only one blue lobster.
THis is a real cool picture taken with the CASIO digital camera.
After a long day shopping, its always feel good going for a little massage.
It may look simple, but it is definitely the best porridge i have ever tasted in the whole wide world!
I have seen dyed hair, but ever seen a dyed poodle?
They say with credit cards you can have numerous discounts. With the MBK smart purse, you can even save 2 baht when you visit the toilet!
Doesn't this look very familiar?
I guess these two should be artistes ba. Anyone knows who are they??
The Oh-so-ever familiar A&W. And my only regret in this trip, was to not eat in there... Even in Bangkok, A&W are few...
Short and stubby Bananas
Can you spot the buddha head...
Doesn't this look like the wooden elephant in Vivo?
You have seen black, white, brown eggs. but have you seen so many pink eggs?
Life's really much relaxing in Thailand than here......
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"...And if they can't even handle something like army,
finding ways and means to try and escape it,
this only goes to show that in life, they carn even handle a little hardship.
If trouble comes,
they will definitely be the first to run away.
These are the type of people who wun earn my respect,
and I doubt they'll gain others' too." -Eddie..
And i totally agree.
finding ways and means to try and escape it,
this only goes to show that in life, they carn even handle a little hardship.
If trouble comes,
they will definitely be the first to run away.
These are the type of people who wun earn my respect,
and I doubt they'll gain others' too." -Eddie..
And i totally agree.
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