Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
well den..
What are the chances of meeting...
3 of my recce seniors at tanahmerah mrt on the way to a movie,
1 of my 3s1r mates while shopping,
and another 1 of my recce senior on the way back?
What about the chances of meeting...
one of my recce men infront of this nafnaf shop,
and another one of my recce fellow mate.
on the same day,
at the same time,
at the same spot.
Now what about the probabilty of this two events
happening to the same person?
mb i do have some affinity with recce afterall.
or rather, its a sign to show that i can never run away from it............
Saturday, December 15, 2007
have you ever thought of that?
or is there even much of a difference b/w the two?
yes, i agreee
the pay is different.
the responsibilities are different.
but in the army,
the ultimate difference that divides the two is just
the tick that u put in the box during bmt.
(*sidetrack alittle* which also means its easy to think how a man wld think)
let's face it.
commanders are no superhumans.
commanders are no gps systems.
commanders are no siao-on freaks.
commanders are no perfect creatures.
commanders are just people.
yes people like you and me.
and yes,
we do fail.
i just so hate it when people expect us to be such
who are nothing much but just
something to play ard with,
someone to boss ard with.
STOP scolding us.
STOP threatening us..
mister regulars.
cos unlike u guys,
we are just normal humans.
we are here not because we want to,
but because we were not given a choice to.
u were once us too.
having said that, however,
i must stress that i'm not saying that now, we can avoid it,
and take up a start-slacking mentality.
since ultimately, it was indeed part of our decision.
neither am i saying that we should just sob and cry
because of the choices we make.
but we should still try our best.
and hopefully
be appreciated.
respect, reputation, pride, trust, belief
are big words thrown around.
and it certainly means alot to me.
in a matter of 3 mths (or actually 1 mth if u were to count it right)
we noobs are gonna take over the whole company,
and lead the old men.
i know i dun wanna fuck up the first mission,
cos the first mission w the men is the one
that leaves the deepest impression in them.
i dunno when that time will come,
but i know it will.
so before that time comes, and everybody screws things big time,
i guess its time for me
to put on my gears and try and learn to be the
infallable-superduper-gpsinbuilted system
that everyone of us were expected to have.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
look inside you and be strong
and you'll finally see the truth
that a hero lies in you.
And then a hero comes along
with the strength to carry on
and you cast your fears aside
and you know you can survive
just had rti e day b4.
it was terrible.
it was torturing.
it was bad.
at least it is over.
Friday, September 28, 2007
after a close brush against a brunei trip,
there we are, once again,
facing yet another possible one..
i just hate your attitude. change it!
i'm sick and tired of all this nonsense.
my life's just like a roller coaster,
and i'm definitely afraid of heights.
Friday, August 31, 2007
its been a long time since i last blogged.
me juz came baq from the very first **** sponsored trip there.
let's just say it was a very interesting trip ba.
certain things are meant to be censored,
so i shan't go into too much details.
but my primary role there is to be one of those....
important people who make the missions possible..
the highly requested,
highly sought after,
most frequently searched,
the most popular,
supporting staff. aka. enemies aka.
we had our fair share of fun.
oh and one thing i realised was that
the villagers were v kind.
they gave us longans and pineapples.
i repeat. GAVE.
plusplusplus. they were big. juicy. sweet. and free.
na! here's a photo of it.
then there's this photo of me riding this ****.
hey. btw i'm already liscensed to drive this.
was the typhoon.
guess many of you heard of the typhoon.
the biggest typhhooon in taiwan's history.
the most anticipated disaster.
and not even a single wind that we felt.
basket. we had to close the windows and stuff.
end up feeling even hotter than a typical normal day.
but then again, if only i was pulled out one day later,
i would get to experience it.
cos i was in the exact same stretch of road that was shown on the news,
as one of the affected areas the following day.
dunno lucky or unlucky..
and here's a photo of my friend being blown off...
and we were banned frm going out,
and as a result,
some of us became hungry...
in singapore we had the 4 white letters : S L O W
in taiwan they had their....
it just seemed so wierd.
kay. that's it.
now moving on to the long awaited
R N R!
all we did was to........
we ate loads of food.
and i mean loads..... here are some of them.
< insert pictures >
( Ahh forget it. dun tink u all 'd be interested in hw e fd looks like anw.
cos take v long to upload oso.. yup. bt jus know that i ate alot of nice food. NICE FOOD!! and that i realised that Chou dou fu ain't tt gd afterall. so dun believe ppl when they say its smelly, but nice. cos it ain't. its juz sweet....)
(ohoh but one of the must tries are the ji pa, the dan bing, the pineapple prawn, adn the chocolate THICK toast. omg. heaven.)
it just felt like it was ages ago.
i wan go back there again!
temperature wise lehh... ratheer hot.
30 degree celcius
how i know?
the thermometer building.
then, there was this other copycat.
there was also this crazy machine,
whom one cld win an ipod w it.
would u really try it?
even if it means just 10NT (50c) per try??????
photos galore!!!!
first we remove the rock.
den we shift the mini stone pagoda.
kay. all in position le?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
do you feel that you really want to go there?
are u starting to feel that u shld have been in my place?
well lemme tell u tt my luck was shit there.
-> was chosen to go to outfield (3d2n) : oni 4/11 ppl chosen.. mini lucky draw.
-> we didnt even get a tiny weeny glimpse of the typhoon, and in the end were damn hot for 3days.
-> apparantly someone stole 150$ from my wallet, adn til date he was not found.
-> i realised my mp4 had spoit.. the lcd turned from red to black....
-> and now i realised that i had just lost my 11b.50bucks and lots of scolding i guess.
-> now go to, and try searching on 11b lost. look at the no. of entrees that people write who had lost it, but found it back in the end. 80%. at least.
-> made police report, go to S1, realised tt kannt get 15A(temporary 11B) until monday, which so happens to coincide with me being in pasir laba for the nxt 8wks. in other words,i have to make a special trip back camp.
-> wad's next?!
they say that shit happens.
if tt's the case,
then i must be having diarrhea.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
- i've finally gotten my military driving license!
after 30 long, hectic days of non-stop driving,
it feels gd to have finally passed it.
plus u really notice much more things on the rd
that u have nvr bothered to take note of.
(and that Mandai Camp serves gd food.)
- i'm going taiwan real soon.
somehow, i quite look forward to the trip.
be enemies,
catch troopers,
fresh rations,
go for rnr,
machiam like holiday....
the feeling of awaiting to go abroad is gd.
the feeling of being abroad is gd.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Friday, June 01, 2007
all of us were rather sad that we had to leave each other.
but we all congratulated each other,
and gave our blessings.
i suddenly/momentarilly felt that,
i din really wanted to leave here at all.
oh and one more thing i want to add is that,
on my way back,
i saw this guy wearing a teeshirt,
w a design v similar to my laviver shirt.
juz that the words are different, and the font is different too.
but the colour, placings are all quite similar.
my gdness.
i should have copyrighted it man.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
but always carn find the time...
so juz post some randomly here..
1) the first few wks, morale was very low.
everyone wanted to down pes,
everyone wanted to be slack,
everyone wanted to go ocs,
everyone juz din want to be here.
2) i've seen things i've never seen before.
the ants that u c on ur cupboard/table/wall/door/floor is nothing.
have u ever seen a company of ants living on a leaf?
have u ever seen many of such leaves in the same tree?
have u ever seen many of such trees within the same spot?
field camp have made me notice so many of such things.
3) i've learnt that even the smallest things are annoying.
- a battalion of ants crawling onto you as u rest.
- grasses tickling u annoyingly while u lie.
- acres and acres of mimosa prickling u while u prone.
- one whole troop of houseflies hovering ard u b4 u sleep
- a brigade of commando troopers fanatically piercing thru ur flesh after u sleep.
4) i now know the importance of psp.
half of my platoon has it now...........
5) route march are the
most tiring,
most time consuming,
most large scale,
most physically demanding,
most mentally demanding
physical training of them all.
and also the most useless of them all.
6) i am finally a corporal.
bigger rank compared to none other than our very own.....
armskote man,
and storeman. -.-
7) i juz realised tt i might be able to strike lottery anytime soon.
29.95% - aslc
25% - signals
15% - armour
15% - engineer
15% - arti
0.05% - recce
and i so happen to get myself into it.
recce. the most siong unit of them all...
- life's juz soooooooo interesting. -
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
sispec. ocs. others.
people in ocs are complaining:
abt the confinement period,
the tough training,
while thinking if it'd be better being in sispec.
people in sispec are complaining:
abt the tough training,
wondering why they cldnt make it to ocs in the first place,
while thinking if it'd be better being in the other vocations.
people in other vocations are complaining:
abt the tough training (having to endure thru' tons of lectures),
wondering what if they had made it into sispec in the first place,
while thinking that it was such a waste not to be in sispec or ocs.
and the cycle goes on....
they say the grass is always greener on the other side.
but izit really that green?
well. i'm in hotel coy,
and our morale's rather low.
its the same old trainings,
the same old shit again.
added with a little bit of spice..
within my section,
from a total of 11 men, to nw, 7men.
great. -.-
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007

today is my bookout day, bookout bookout..
today is my bookout day o bookout day. *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [gone]
wahhhhh. 3months lehhh.. no updates?
haha. i guess i din missed anything much ba.
*nonoNO. u are nt looking at the same post!
its juz tt erm....*
hmmm. guess my first 3mths is abt to come to an end..
to all who are abt to be enlisted...
haha. ok. well... i guess these 3 mths have passed really quick for me.
in a blink of an eye,
my sunflower seeds
have became
became a full bloomed sunflower plant le.
*my point here is to show tt time flies. nt to show off my superb gardening skills hor.*
well... erm. ya. the feeling of having 2 more days to POP.
well.. its kinda mixed feeling la.
on one hand, its quite sad to see some of my platoon mates leaving,
or even having to say a simple gd bye.
bt then again, I NO NID GO TEKONG AGAIN!
ok.wait. mb i shld reswitch the pts to make it sound better. okwadeva.
Many atimes we worry.
When i first gt my enlistment date,
i worry abt the ppl whom i wld meet and the life i'd have to endure.
When i first did my SOC run through,
i worry abt juz falling off tt steep slope and getting stuck in the barb wire.
When i first did my 4km route march,
i worry abt hw i was going to complete my 24km route march.
When i first ate my field ration,
i worry abt hw i was going to endure eating tt shit for 6 days.
When i first knew tt i wld be getting my Alvl results,
i worry abt hw the results wld turn out.
When i did complete my 24km route march,
i worry abt hw long i 'd be confined juz bcos of tt stupid piece of underwear.
And now, when i'm juz abt to POP,
i think abt all my worries and wonder. why did i worry in the first place.
So to those who are abt to get enlisted,
Enjoy ur BMT. cos the nxt thing u gonna worry abt,
is which unit wld u be posted into, and abt the ppl whom u wld meet and the life u'd have to endure.
and the cycle goes on and on and on....
kk. this rather rushed post.
cos no time le.
mb 'll edit a little sometime soon ba.
cos nw i'm seating here,
worrying tt i am going to be late....... =(
Friday, January 26, 2007
today is my bookout day o bookout day. *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates] *click* [no visible updates]
wahhhhh. 14days lehhh.. no updates?
haha. i guess i din missed anything much ba.
well army is really an eye opener for me ba.
when i first entered, i saw people with all different kinds of hairstyles.
some of them look rather nerdy la.
and i mean it.
[when u go in right,
you will really like.. wah! this type of people still exist ah!]
Den again, there were those that look ahbeng-ish,
golden hair,
no specs,
guess the first few days were quite a torture for me ba.
all those boring lectures,
and seemingly neverending slack time.
time moved real slow.
my platoon mates are nt too bad la.
a fun bunch of wierdos,
who juz luv havin fun.
abt half of my section mates are frm uniform grps..
so their standards are considerably higher.
bloody hell. things i kannt guo de, they like yi ru fan zhang man..
Now, moving on to foodwise lehhh..
like zz say,
they always give alot alot of fd.. (nt as if its so nice la.)
another pt to note is that..
they attempt to vary their morning beverages by naming them differently, even though they all taste the same..
RICO, MILO, chocolate...
2 more days to book in day, book in book in,
2 more days to book in day, o book in day.
[o wait. tml muz go SDC in No.4.. sian...........]
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The Army.
Since my primary school days,
i've always dreaded for the arrival of this very day.
Well, i guess nobody is looking forward to it either.
I still remember when i young, i kept taking note of how many years more would it take for me to have to be enlisted.
Often, I have seen many army men waiting for the bus to tekong,
loitering around whitesands.
and now, the ball has to be passed upon us.. the dragon babies.
well, there might be some of us who are curious,
what is going through the minds of a pre-enlistee..
are you afraid?
are you worried?
are you prepared?
well, for me, NS is something everyone has to go through.
and since, i was once in NCC, i would duo duo sao sao have a slight advantage over others liao.. (in terms of knowledge of commands, drills)
so for me, i am not so worried yet.
I ain't scared of all the punishments etc,
I ain't scared of the hardship tt i would face.
I ain't scared of the lack of hair on my head.
However, knowing that 9 days is all i have left to that dreadful day,
can still be quite a chore.
In 9days time,
i would be going to see people tt i will be suffering with for the next 3 months.
people that would go through all the scoldings/punishments with me.
i will discover and interact with people from all walks of life,
and eventually, appreciate that there are people out there, making NS bearable.
They say your 1st 3 months would be the most memorable moments of ur NS life,
and i'm going to treasure it. hopefully.
- being ordered
- being punished
- being injected
- being botak
- having to venture into the unknown
- having a possiblity of recoursing
- standing broad jump
- being last.
- none as yet.
well i'm training. i have no idea if it does help within such a short time, but i'm trying.. hope it does pay off..
9 days and counting..