Monday, December 25, 2006
artiste: britney
"Last night I took a walk in the snow.
Couples holding hands, places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love.
Santa can you hear me
I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I sent it off
It just said this
I know exactly what I want this year.
Santa can you hear me.
I want my baby (baby, yeah)
I want someone
to love me someone to hold me.
Maybe (maybe, maybe maybe.)
he'll be all I hope in a big red bow
Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year and
all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want, just for me underneath
my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here.
Santa that's my only wish this year.
oohhh ohh yeah
Christmas Eve I just can't sleep
Would I be wrong for taking a peek?
Cause I heard that your coming to town
Santa can you hear me? (yea yeah)
Really hope that your on your way
With something special for me in your sleigh
Ohh please make my wish come true
Santa can you hear me
I want my baby (baby)
I want someone to love me someone to hold me
Maybe (maybe maybe)
they'll be all the love under the mistletoe
Santa can you hear me
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here Santa that's
my only wish this year
I hope my letter reaches you in time
Bring me love can call all mine
(yeah yeah) cause I have been so good this year.
Can't be long under the mistletoe
He's all want and a big red bow
Santa can you hear me (hear me?)
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is near
He's all I want. just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here (ohh yeah) Santa
that's my only wish this year
Oh Santa can u hear me? oh Santa
Well he's all I want just for me underneath
my Christmas tree
Oh I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year."
its christmas time again.
well erm. christmas eve ain't tt wonderful for me..
- i woke up, n i realised it didn't snow.
- i realised tt my mum gave away the christmas tree, n lights.. shucks.
- i realised tt there was no chimney to my hse, n it aint the highest floor.. (tt means mister Santa cldnt get in my hse w his presents.)
well more importantly..
- i realised tt my internet connection cannt onn.. so nw i'm using other ppl connection.. oops =X shhhhhh.
- i realised i might have lost my camera.. n i juz had it repaired it like 2days ago.. damn! all photos of the development of my seedlings are all gone. i tink i shld better go invent tt "housonar".. ahhhhh! (o btw, if u din know, in order to kill my boredom, me decided to try planting some seeds tt i bot frm ntuc.. bot some sunflower seeds, n petite orange seeds.. nxt time need sunflower seeds come get frm me man! they grow damn fast...)
- i realised i had sore throat, n mild flu. shit. i'm sick.
but anyway, its christmastime. MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you!
well nvm... it's okay.. i understand.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Person B: aiya.... nvm la no car.
this is usually a normal reply.
Person A: hey u think your grandmother road ahh. like that slowly stroll in the middle of the road..
Person B: no la. is my dad's road..
Person A: my dad sold it to ur dad..
Person B: haiyoo.. u got it all wrong le la.. my grandfather juz bought it back!
this is a spastic reply.
and now.. we have.
Person A: hey u think your grandmother road ahh. like that slowly stroll in the middle of the road..
Person B: no. is my road.
i stumbled across some of the roads while planning for the night cycling trip, and i made a few startling discovery.
Candidate no.1
Occupation: ex-student of TJC.
Gender: Female.
Level of wealth: 10.5/5
Owner of: Sophia Road.
Home: Sophia View, Sophia Ville, sophia lodge, sophia mansion etc.
Remarks: too rich. better make friends with her.. gt new stuff ready by 2011..
Candidate no. 2.5
Gender: Female.
Level of wealth: 3.5/5
Owner of: Sandy Lane.
Remarks: well erm.. haha. i guess the picture explains it all.
all these rich people.... grrrr
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
grad com
its a long story..
when we submitted it, it was 8-7, they said ok.
21 november 7pm: caroline called to say they gt too many people le. we offered to be at most 9-6, 10-5.
22-24 november 10am: those bloody people, insists we be 11-4.. if not pay the surplus. we say cannot. ask me spk to their tcher, i agreed, and she say he went abroad liao. diao....
told her 10-5 last call... and if any other problem, call ly, cos i going thailand liao.
apparently, those bastards din call ly, and automatically assumed we are fine with it.
5th december 11PM: caroline called me and say they counted wrongly, and tot we are 11-3, so that meant we had to be 11-3-1.. i was like... "grrr. welldone ahh. juz go die la!" anyway, what's done is done, we had to look i decided that the best alternative now, 'd be to seat in 10-3-2, given tat we had no choice now. so that's how the events unfold.
[edited: and juz when i tot everything wld be smooth flowing from den on, down came two big problem.
problem 1: they did not change the seats according to the name. some people who were supposed to be seating on another table were not given the right table no.
problem 2: apparantly they couldnt assure us the two seater table, as theywanted to break the cls of 10 into 9-1.. so that poor guy obviously didnt want to move, and hence creating a big hoohaa of people not having enuf seats. in e end, hadta be seated in a 10-3-1 arrangement..]
the sc is really sucky. and to tink i even tot they were a better batch than weldon..
i mean.. just look at their ticket.
no time,
no place,
no date,
no table no.
look at their bloody drawing.. not say v nice or what har.. juz some slipshod work.
look at the quality of the paper.. i spent 80overdollars leh. give me a better ticket lah!
look at the way they tried to make it look slightly complicated by addin in the sticker.. hua she tian zhu.
juz by looking at the ticket tells me alot abt them.
[edited: oya. actually i know this differs from ppl to ppl, but i dun really think the food was worth it. i guess the only dishes i enjoyed were
the berry dish,
the scallop and not the soup,
the chicken skin,
the pathetically small prawn,
and of cos the last of the 5 items on the list - the tea.]
w taht said, there's nothing we can do abt this either..
now the only people i feel guilty abt is those who i persuaded and they had to be seperated.
if only i had not persuaded anyone..
i've tried my best.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
the three things
ONE. dun try the new blogger beta version, if u haven tried it. i carn find why it is any better than the old one, except for the new fonts on the "save as draft" and "publish" buttons... and the super annoying REPEATED [this is the focus] type-ur-password box. (well like some might say, "maybe i dunno hw to use it properly yet", but its really annoying me..)
TWO. i've just read one of my friend blog, and i can like totally understand how he feels. even though the time, event, place of occurance, and victim is like totally different. but it all boils down to the same principle. its not a matter of what time, or where. but more of why wld someone actually tink of doing that in the first case.. even ppl we dun noe dun do it. why wld friends. my friends, even do it!! (when i mean "it", means the more severe-beyond-friend-friend/s-kind of actions.. k mb i'm more of refering to that incident abt 2 wks ago..) [this is the focus]. think b4 u act, for your actions do affect people.
[not for those who prefers to indulgein the "joy of shopping"]
THREE. i was shopping for my prom clothes and i suddenly thought of this. if one day, we cld actually just sit down and admire the crowd of ppl rushing thru, we cld actually notice alot of things. take for instance dressing. every single clothing that ppl wear, are actually one of the best they cld find amongst the places they visited. it is either best in the sense that
-it's the cheapest deal they cld get,
-it's the most in fashion gear they cld find,
-it's the most classy gown they cld wear,
-it's a cls thing..
not counting the no-choice-but-to-wear kind (uniform/work attire)
in all ways, it is certainly the best clothes they cld ever find. [this is the focus]
so by just seating down and STARING at ppl's dressing,
we wld actually be able to view all the best clothes in the world. ok. mb singapore.
just think, wld anybody buy sth that they feel it ain't good?
ppl wld surely pick the best they cld find... even if it means within a particular shop.
shopping for clothes is such a hassle.
maybe one day, we shld just sit down and wait.
and if we found a liking to someone's shirt,
just approach he/she and ask where them bot it from.
now that's so much easier.
[not for those who prefers to indulgein the "joy of shopping"]
just imagine.. this is the amount of choices i cld seek in a split second.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
the elongated watermelon..
the high tech tut tut with a tv set..
this is one of the best taken boat photos out of the dozens we took.
the feather duster man.
singaporeans ain't tt kiasu afterall. this bus has 24 red backlights.. my goodness!
our very homemade cookies with an innovative name.
there're so many cars in bangkok tt number plates are not a neccessity anymore..
its the yellow day!
the new kind of Singaporean policemen.. stylo sia!
found this shell outside the hse. snake egg?!
this is what happens when the airport is too small.. - ppl hafta resort to walking on tthe rootop.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
i was taught to insist, and persist.
i was told to be complain, negotiate or even threaten..
i know i have to, i know i want to.
but this time rd,
i feel that i'm losing this battle.
and if things dun turn out the way it was planned to be,
i'm sorry.
and i'm not refering to e exams or what.
u'll know what i'm toking abt soon..
*dun bother guessing.*
Saturday, November 18, 2006
its a bit scary, suspenseful, and simply like a movie man.
muz blog about it quick, b4 i start to forget abt it.
There's this grp of people who owns a shophses along a street.
my dad had owed them money, sumhow.
they were angry. they ganged up and discuss.
i was visiting him w my mum, stayed at a hotel.
not the first time le, he told me.
he say dun ask further, will do me harmm, but as i slp, i heard vaguely that they were after his life.
went to temple to pray.
walk walk walk, somehow gt whole in floor.
mum fell in, dad tried to grab her too, but.
he fell straight, while mum grabbed a pole somehow, and walked to safety.
mum went mad.
we prayed at temple,
attempted murder, but we escaped.
drag mum w all my might, and somehow we ended up running in bedok.
challenged my mad mum to a run,
reached tampines, and i called a friend.
hid in her hse, while she did some research on who these ppl were.
website, book, notebook.
one was a man who wanted to leave hse w his wife, to stay elsewhere, his dad killedhimself, w a pen.
on was a musician.
one was a samurai, whose family committed suicide, after losing a bet.
one was a police.
one was a maid who got betrayed by her own boss.
one was an airstewardess who had an aeroplane, and was an orphan since young.
one was a traitor.
the last page was gone.
i kannt rmb what events they had experiened, but i tink there were a total of 12 of them, each w a horrifying experience, and they were seeking revenge on me now.
so i quickly jotted them down. 1st to 5th person.
saw stunning resemblance with the way they acted out the murder.
just when wanted to continue, door opened.
i quickly closed e door, and locked the gate.
ding dong.
her mum opend the door.
a passerby was asking directions.
shetook a glimpse at me. closed door, i overheard - 11am.
maid enters. byanother door.
stunned. by then i haven noted down until the maid that part.
so ok.
she cleaned up the place, while i continued copying.
til e 8th person.. police enters by spare door.
shows a copy of my pastnotebook thati used in math tuition.
my fren took the rap for me.
i wanted to own up, but i knew i needed to copy down the rest of the people inorder
to know how to react the nxt time.
watch them take her away.
copied till 11th.
*scene switch*
aeroplane-like structure.
many stewardess. drag my fren to some place.
gosh she cld fight, ran.
out of aeroplane, was a camp.
there's a traitor in the camp.
and this time he let her go.
o and i remembered he was wearing orange polo tee.
she ran.
*scene switch*
i realised that the airstewardess was the 10th person on the list,
all her parents left. she was lonely, and wanted to keep someone with her
my fren went home.
i went to visit those row of shops, they were still theree, and the shopkeepers were still inside. lonely. murderously, waiting for their nxt victim..
while, the 12th person still remain at large.
dream end.
like a movie rite??
i oso thought it was too elaborate for a dream to possibly contain too.
but ya. wrote wad i cld rmb.
gosh. mb i shld be a movie director.. =)
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
i dont think what u have done is right.
There's always a limit to what one can take,
and i tink that this time, u've gone beyond.
what is so fun about doing what u have done?
do you really find so much joy in it?
dont do onto others what u dont want others to do onto you.
and this goes to all those who were with u too.
it might seem small and insignificant,
What is your purpose?
nothing but to put our friendship in jeopardy.
If you do not learn to respect others,
i don't see why others should start to respect you either..
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
1st Alvl paper..
though its just gp, and they say that there's nothing u can do abt it at this pt already..
but its still a paper too.
and what's more, its always nice to have a gd beginning..
(and of cos great in-between, while ending it with a big bang laa.)
I'll read the questions carefully.
I'll choose my question wisely.
I'll plan my essay properly.
I'll read the compre passage out loud, softly.
I'll not leave lines in my summary.
I'll write neatly.
I'll think quickly.
I'll race against time.
and this time round,
i'll TRY not to choose those natural disaster kind of qns already...
and good luck,
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday, October 09, 2006
"How far magazines and television programmes have a positive effect on young people in Singapore?"And let me just say, the simple rearranging of a few words and the careless ignoring of just one word has made my life a great misery and is causing me great resentment that I have to stay home and look through all these wrong answers while everyone else gets to go out and play.I have half a mind to get these kids to rewrite the essays... " adapted from a blog.
Monday, October 02, 2006
30th september 2006.
i saw this brown thing.
it is small.
it is thin.
it was dead.
worse still, it ain't any normal lizard look-a-like.
it seemd to have died a terrible death.
it was squashed. somehow.
worse still, i only could only recognise its two front legs.
(to reduce the drama in case u guys end up puking, i decided to draw it out instead.)

we tried many ways to pick up that dead lizard- paper, papers, envelopes.
den.. den.. i tot of the vacuum cleaner.
1st October 2006.
the super lucky me, had the honour of tasting a
"wonderful" concoction personally made by two smart alek,
who 'innocently" mixed a few of the shop's
most cheapest, and most disgusting ingredients that they could possibly find,
to a small miserable piece of potato wedge.
the result-
a yellow..
no brown.
NONO! green. nvm.
a small potato wedge covered with a colourful pool (literally) of sauce.
not too hot,
not too tasty.
just plain disgusting.
they say retribution is true.
now i see why.
i'm sorry lizard.
i'm sorry luckyong... ok maybe i shldnt be. heheheee~
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Friday, September 08, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
back to the reality of the world.
First, i must stress that this is juz a mere thought that i have,
and cannot be used as a representation of the guys at large.
ok. my english not that gd, so i shant bother to think of a gd way to express this entry.
yup. no doubt guys shld take up the initiative to help when in need.
yup. no doubt guys are supposed to uphold the "glorious" title bestowed upon them - gentleman.
yup. no doubt guys shld shoulder the blame of not being able to achieve the standards put forth by this very title.
but dun u think tt getting pissed over this is a little ermmm.
or what the layman person would say: blowing a storm in a teacup?
it's not a matter of gender equality or what's not.
given that all the guys were in the front row that very day, we would definitely offer to help.
i mean really.
it's our fault that we din even bother to kare abt lokey or worse still not initiating to get an ohp.
it's our fault that we din even noticed tt the ohp was being dragged over.
but it's not that
and i am not trying to runn away from the "big" problem here,
but i simply dint know (and notice too).
well if u asked for help, we certainly would..
not initiating to get ohp = ungentlemanly?
Friday, August 18, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006
ok. and the "real story",_2001_attacks
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
like psychaitrist who become teachers,
and teachers who become scriptwriters,
i have found my new ambition at last.
(please do not assume that i have given up on the previous one tt i had.
it would happen concurrently)
i want to be someone who brings hope to mankind.
i wanna be someone who can indulge in the true essence life
w/o needing to endure much hardship.
i wanna be someone who can right the wrongs of others, and
liberate sufferings from the face of the earth (sounds cheem rite_)
i wanna be what i am made to be.
i am going to make the whole world unite as one.
i am going to convert presidents into managers,
continent heads into directors,
countries into desks,
continents into departments.
and up there, will be me.
i will be hiring presidents,
and unifying currencies.
i will not directly disturb how the managers arrange the items on their desks,
but i will be monitering them.
imagine how great would that be..
if one day,
we are able to sack Bush...
Disclaimer: this is just a little thought going through the mind of a 18 year old child, who tries his very best to help save the earth from its dying moments. My world, my home.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Israel Vs Hizbollah.
Taiwan Vs China.
Japan Vs South Korea and China.
Mahathir Vs Badawi
Thaksin Vs _________.
North Korea and her missles.
Iran and her uranium "enrichment".
Jihads in Indonesia ready for "holy WAR".
US Vs the rest of the world.
Battle of the fittest?
hai. so childish.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
3.05pm. * Yar. His effort for the last 2 terms were raather inconsistent, and so it was rateher tough for him to consolidate for each subject effectively..*
here i am trying my very best,
and to think u are there complaining abt me.
who do u think u are huh?!
i mean like WHAT THE HELL lah.
Krap with all the prejudice.
Get rid of ur bias attitude, and OPEN UR GODD DAM EYES.
I know tht u are gd in teaching.
but so what?
*cools down*
maybe its beyond my capacity to learn so much.
maybe i shd haf juz opt to drop one sub last yr.
maybe i'm just plain stupid..
(Wq. i DESPERATELY want to buy a little man like urs!)
*the teacher who sent the above sms to my mum shall remain anonymous in this entry*
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Received my results today.
k nt all. but most of them le.
all 3 sciences all fluctuating ard 40...
Really disappointed.
i mean its like, i studieed really hard lah.
and truthfully speaking, i dun tink the paper is hard (apart frm physics).
but still...
"i tried my best, BUT ALL WAS IN VAIN..."
Monday, June 26, 2006
i know that i have to sleep early.
I want to do so.
but i just carn!
i tried all ways and means to fall asleep,
but guess that it might be bcos i seldom slp so early,
den in e end, wan slp oso kannt fall aslp.
i know that this is no gd.
no gd at all!!
tried b4 in one exam, and e feeling was terrible when
i tried doing the paper.
not so much of wanting to close my eyes, and yawning away...
but my mind just couldn focus.
couldn think.
couldn rmb.
and i dun wan tt to happen again.
so here i am forcing myself to slp,
counting the stoopid sheeps jumping across the fence...
counting the no. of stars in my imaginary sky..
and what's not.
bt i just carn.
i guess i'm afraid.
the next 3 days would be a period of super intensive studying.
just studying, and hopin that evrything goes in.
and stays in there until the next day.
the JCT wld nt so much be a "yeah i pass, or nooo i failed" thing
bt more or less a confirmation of the my "correct" method of studying,
and the affirmation that i needed for the amt of effort that i've put in.
*k i noe that it is not much laa.. but i trieeed my best le.*
i want to do well.
i want to prove to them that i can do it.
bt i am afraid.
afraid that i kannt make it.
afraid of that " but all was in vain..."
the time now is 3.08am.
i want to sleep. i need to sleep.
till the nxt time i blogg,
gd luck, and
gd night.
Monday, June 19, 2006
just watched the Austrailian Vs Brazil match.
this is a rather interesting match though.
There's the Brazillian Keeper who displayed his affection for another Austrailian lad, by hugging the striker in the midst of the game, causing him to lose his baalll.. *wrong timing lad.*
Then, there's also this part where the commentator said sth like "...., he muz be sleeping in his excitement!", when the Aussie striker qiong forward attempting to score. My sis was actually saying.. "huh? u mean he actually slept ah?!"
oman. *not v clever though* hahaahaa
with that, my mum has officially lost another 5 bucks.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
it was in between a row of shops in Bedok (gosh. i actually knew where it was).
there was this old ice cream man,
who showed me a menu and asked me what i wanted.
Ice cream, Fried ice cream, or Fried soft shell crab.
(what a combination).
but yerp. on his small motorcycle was this tub where u could actually deep fry ice cream and crabs.
interesting. and just when i wated to taste delicious looking crabs...............
i woke up.
maybe this is a vision for the future of singaporean ice cream men.
their evolution.
their breakthrough...
k maybe i am just pure hungry...
Monday, June 12, 2006
and hear a billion hearts that beat unseen.
You can join crowds that cheer as one,
in a place where they all come.
You can film 90 minutes of fleeting time and space,
with tragedy, triumph and amazing grace.
You can carry them forever in your soul,
their names carved on every goal.
This is here you can always belong,
this is where legends are born." - advertisement.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
hao xian mu ar.
japan lehh.
u noe where's that not!
holiday w her frenz.
mt fugi.
sumohse(real sumo's hse arh. nt the one tt we eat)
IP jiu shi IP. got special privillege.
holidays juz started, and i'm already getting sick of it le.
its so boring.
school ain't that bad afterall...
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
technically speaking, its actually the first time that i've actually lost my handphone lar.
amazing right?
e very 1st time, was spoilt by the sea. - SPOILT
e 2nd time, is left it in a taxi. - MISPLACE
e 3rd time, is stolen by a malay guy. - STOLEN
e 3.5th time, is almost spoilt by a cup of water. - DROWNED
now, for the very first time, i've lost my handphone. - LOST
but hai.
wad a waste leh, after all the things in it, all the nos that i desperately tried to save a b4.
all gone.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Btw, me went to ECP and saw sth fun.
there's this nice place to build sandcastle.
yaryar. i know sandcastles may sound childish. but i mean imagine...
imagine yourself building one of those really big ones.
and i'm nt exaggerating.
You know those kinds that u can see at Sentosa beaches last time for competition...?
yar. bigg ones.
It's 'll be lyk really cool la. they even have their own tools la.
and can buy one. $30.
but i tink u can go there playplay w their tools.
imagine building some huge structure, with elaborate staircases, walls, roofs, (with those tools)
desigining it to what ever design that you want.
and the satisfaction that you will get out of it,
even though you know you carn really take it home.
However, it only open on weekends frm 4pm to 7pm. (i tink)
and its in some ulu part of ecp.
but imagine.
a whole grp of frenz,
building a magnificent castle
woosh! sounds fun.
*carn find the photos. will put it up soon.*
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
1. An article or a product of superior size, quality, or grade.
2. Very large, great, or extreme
3. Excellent; first-rate
4. Especially; extremely
Thesaurus: excellent, glorious, wonderful, marvellous, superb, terrific, peerless.
Idiotic (I-di-oi-tic)
1. Someone who is severely mentally retarded.
2. A foolish or stupid person
3. Exhibiting idiocy.
Thesaurus: simpleton, cretin, half-wit, mental incompetent.
Freak (Fre-ick)
1. A person, animal or plant of abnormal shape or form.
2. Someone or something odd or unusual.
3. An abnormally formed organism, especially a person or animal regarded as a curiosity or monstrosity.
Thesarus: Monster, monstrocity.
Met one yet?
Special thanks to,, and, who helped to provide the most apt description of a special someone. All definitions and translations are just taken DIRECTLY from the above websites, and in no way meant to target anyone else.
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Tuesday, April 25th, 2006 is Ben & Jerry's Free Cone Day, an annual event at Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shops worldwide!!
Free scoops of Ben & Jerry's ice cream will be given out from 12noon - 7pm at the following outlets:
Great World City
United Square
Suntec City Mall
Singapore Zoo
Thanks to you, it's on us!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Monday, April 10, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Saturday, March 18, 2006
For those of you who reeaaaally wanted to have a look at how wild boars look like, and what u can actually see at chek jawa, have a look at this website and marvel at the many interesting creatures tt live there.
the place looks RATHER similar to the fake chek jawa that we saw though... =X
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
How long can you hold it?
and tel me if u managed to beat that record there! =)
Take my Quiz on!
my average in quizes happen to be 30. also dunno y. will yours be 30 too?
Monday, March 13, 2006
i hate it.
evrynw and than ppl would pang seh each other.
suntec that day like that.
today oso gt ppl like that.
i mean its like if u dun feel like goin,
or are going to be busy on that day, den
just say you really dun want go la.
not as if YOU are really that important or what.
Why! why!
i hate it when ppl one minute say what time to meet? dun worry, i'll be there!
when the nxt day.
i had to even call, to know that ****** was about to go out with parents for SHOPPING.
what is this man.
i hate it when ppl one minute say okok. sure!
when few hours later.
i had to even call, to know that she was on her way back home already.
is pang seh-ing that fun?
does it give you the thrill?
wake up people.
if only i were superman... ... ... .... .... .. ... i would shoot you down.
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
a long time ago,
there lived an ant.
it grew from a small little ant,
to a big black ant.
60days. 60 days is all it takes.
- ants are very strong people,
who are able to lift up many things beyond their weight.
even if it means lifting up a lizard.
- ants are very united people,
who will not hesitate to help one another.
even if it means lifting a lizard up the wall together.
- ants are very determined people,
with super-undying determination to do what they want to do
even if it means lifting a lizard up the wall together, despite failing many times.
Shi zhong, ants are only that small little insect that are just as vulnerable as anyy others.
one moment they can be strolling so happily down a big grey table,
next moment they are squished. dead.
that is the life of an ant.
life is just so vulnerable. so unpredictable. so wierd.
juz saw final destination 3.
a super crazy show, where evryone dies.
juz killed an ant.
on a super grey table, where it died.
the end.
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Makin' love to his tonic and gin
He says, "Son, can you play me a melody?
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes"
La la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright
Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be
He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me."
As the smile ran away from his face"
Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"
Oh, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talkin' with Davy who's still in the navy
And probably will be for life
And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes, they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinkin' alone
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright
It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile'
Cause he knows that it's me they've been comin' to see
To forget about life for a while
And the piano, it sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say, "Man, what are you doin' here?"
Oh, la la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright..."
Can you play me a melody? I'm not really sure how it goes..
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete..."
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
here goes...
"ONE song can spark a moment,
ONE flower can wake the senses.
ONE tree can start a forest,
ONE bird can herald spring.
ONE smile begins a friendship.
ONE handclasp lifts a soul.
ONE star can guide a ship at sea,
ONE word can frame the goal.
ONE vote can change a nation,
ONE sunbeam lights a room.
ONE candle wipes out darkness.
ONE laugh will conquer gloom.
ONE step must start a journey,
ONE word must start each prayer.
ONE hope will raiseour spirits,
ONE touch can show you care.
ONE voice can speak with wisdom,
ONE heart can know what's true.
ONE life can make a difference,
you see, it's all up to YOU!"
- adaptedfromapurplethinlaminatedcard.
Friday, February 17, 2006
i was shocked when i heard that one of my fren had asked to retain.
very shocked.
it is very saddening to know that his last day studyin as scg17/05 is about to come to an end.
one whole year has passed since 2005.
and knowing that everyone has been promoted, i was truly very happy about that.
whether is it kengfoo, or dihui or even you guys,
knowing that i wouldn't haf to lose a member, is indeed sth to be happy about.
the class has matured from a group of young, innocent kids who did know much about each other, to what it is today. and duo duo shao shao we will also have our happy and sad moments that we shared together. laugh together, work together, and play together.
specially to dihui:
i can see that you are really trying your best to cope in your studies this year.
Attending as many lessons as you could possibly cope,
staying up late nights just to complete your tutorials.
your bio tutorials which you always hao lian this year to me that you did,
your chem test that you managed to beat me by twice my score,
your maths tutorials that you make an attempt to try to understand and asking around for help.
i admire your perserverance, and courage for willing to take the step forward to study hard, and shen zhi to even requesting to be retained.
although i wouldn't want to lose such a special guy like yar, and i know that the road down wun be very easy for ya, having to rong ru with a new classmates, a new environment, and learning a new syllabus, but i know that its not a totally wrong decision to make.
Nevertheless, i wish you all the best in your future endeavours and gogogo! you can do it!! you will always and forever be the "big, fat, clumsy" member of the SCG17/05 that we knew... =)
Thanks for being my friend.
P.S. Hope that that photo that we took in biology will not be the last photo that we will take togeda. Rest well, study smart, and play hard too!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
A Taurean has a patient, steadfast and reliable personality.
A Taurean can be so committed to self-preservation,
and so cautious in approaching anything new that it may become boring.
A Taurean is slow and persistent.
A Taurean are typically 'string, silent types' .
A Taurean often appear as ignorant and willfully obstinate to others.
A Taurean is often very slow-to rouse, but has a terrible temper and possessiveness,
eventually leading to explosions of anger.
this is the taurean
Thursday, February 02, 2006
This can be a good day or a bad day - my choice.
I can be happy or sad - my choice.
I can complain or I can cope - my choice.
Life can be a chore or a challenge - my choice.
I can take from life or give to life - my choice.
If all things are possible, How I deal with those possibilities is - my choice.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
it'slingi chilingi neselingi knewlingi earlingi liaolingi! howlingi timelingi flieslingi sialingi...
golingi inglingi fromlingi houselingi tolingi houselingi islingi surelingi tirelingi ringlingi sialingi.
thislingi yearlingi againlingi soolingi littlelingi moneylingi. soblingi soblingi.
Alingi friendlingi oflingi minelingi gotlingi likelingi onelingi kaylingi lastlingi yearlingi larlingi. Haolingi xianlingi mulingi worlingi~
Foundlingi outlingi thatlingi lifelingi islingi soolingi vulnerablelingi.
severallingi oflingi myylingi relalingi teethslingi actuallingi leelingi unlingi derlingi wentlingi operationslingi... bylingi passlingi, backlingi bonelingi oplingi etclingi-- symptomslingi oflingi oldlingi age. andlingi tolingi thinklingi eyelingi onlylingi noelingi aboutlingi eatlingi nowlingi. hai. shenlingi minglingi shilingi duolingi molingi delingi cuilingi ruolingi yalingi. Eyelingi dunlingi wannlingi nalingi growlingi oldlingi!!
maneelingi thingslingi havlingi changedlingi. peolingi plelingi growlingi differentlingi lelingi. myylingi cousinlingi beelingi cumlingi soolingi differentlingi. soolingi biglingi lelingi...
-my clslingi happenlingi tolingi havelingi thislingi wierddlingi hablingi bitlingi of lingilingi inglingi. alsolingi dunnolingi howlingi itlingi startlingi tedlingi. onlylingi knowlingi itlingi originatedlingi onlingi thelingi carnivallligni daylingi. o yarlingi speakinglingi of carnivalslingi. pleaselingi belingi warylingi oflingi littleligni kidslingi manlingi!! onelingi littlelingi kidlingi camelingi runninglingi towardslingi melingi withligni seeminglylingi endlesslingi staminalingi, andlingi superundyinglingi determinationlingi tolingi splatlingi meelingi withlingi thelingi creamlingi. grrrrrr... stoopid kids.
omanlingi eyelingi havelingi aligni feelinglingi thislingi entrylingi islingi abitthelingi hardlingi tolingi readlingi sialingi. hahalingi. solingi dunlingi botherlingi readinglingi itlingi manlingi. coslingi there'slingi notlingi muchlingi contentlingi inlingi eatlingi. trustlingi melingi. (izzitlingi toolingi latelingi tolingi telllingi ulingi nowlingi?)
lingi lingi lingi.
Friday, January 20, 2006
title: the heroes tribute.
dear editors.
i've just received a free copy of the christmas special.
firstly, i would like to thank the 2 magnificent, fabulous, incredible editors for puttin a seemingly familar face on the coverpage of the heroes tribute. (eventhough it's only one page)
but i wanna say is that erm.. your advertisement is totally misleading.
as we all know, sky high is a total COPYCAT.
copies x-men, fantastic four, magic schoolbus and whatsoeva.
and to think that magic schoolbus actually praised it... i have nuttin to say man!
it's amazing how a one page- fortycents paper could cost $17.05... *qiao zha arh*
Surprisingly, the story happens to be about this super brain powered guy that i know. he is actually very MATURE. not as childish like what you guys have written. guess you guys need to re-edit on your future news. and as for e picture it looks abit *erhm*...
even though the newspaper came a little late,
even though the picture looks a little wierd,
even though the advertisements are a little misleading,
even though the newspaper is a little expensive,
and even though the news is a-bit-uneditedd,
but i stil appreciate the good-quality-paper,
and the nice string.
thanks guys. =)
-signing off
Thursday, January 19, 2006
the battle between the brave warriors and the evil conquerer has begun.
once again.
cannons, missles, fire.
who suffers? the land. the magnificent land of Misterling.
why? why!
why in the world must i have a soo goddamn, bloody digusting, sucky immune system!
i hate it. why the war? i am tired. so tired..
i just rode in my mum's brand new car.
first hand silver colored car wor~
shiny car.
clean car.
a much smaller car.
i miss myy dadd.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Short entry
so i shall type a short entry.
i won G*RY not once. not twice. but THRICE in bowling!!
won him once in 1v1 8ball pool.
am i gr8 or wad man..
(dun worry gary. i wun reveal ur name...)
-the short entry-
Saturday, January 07, 2006
First day of school
Just ended 4 days ago..
Standing on the same parade square.
Seeing the same blue sky.
Seeing the same old faces..
but something has changed.
we were no longer standing at the same positions.
we were no longer enjoying our first three months like we did b4.
we were no longer the people we were before..
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Year
Firstly, i'd like to begin my first entry by saying...
I noe e last time i blogged was juz abithelongago. but nuttin to sayy mah.
Hmm. Let's see. New Year should hav this wierd-thing called resolutions rite.
I have one too...
1) Studiee hard for A levels and get good results (Shldn be too hard when i've learnt hw to unleash my superbrainpowers_..)
2) Exercise thrice a week until i'm able to get bloody silver for NAPFA.
3) ATTEMPT to do every piece of homework assignment.
4) Finish up with the damn NYAA diary by April.
5) Get less sick and recover for the 4-months-long cough.
6) Spend less time on the net, and go sleep before 11.59pm everyday.
7) Remember and follow myy resolutions..
ooo-YES! i can do it!
2005 was a rather happening year for me, with all the BATAM trip, the JAPAN trip, the BANGKOK trip, the La'viver activities,the super-long-ProjectWork etc..
2006, i'm sure everybody would lyk to begin e yr w a gr8 start. I had myy great start too!
0000hrs - fireworks
0015hrs - left esplanade
0200hrs - reached home and sleep
1100hrs - woke up.
1200hrs - had fever.
HOW great.

^Kingkong' in Bangkok..
Saw a tv commercial. SPYgame. one guy said.
*in life, it's not how you control the game. it's how the game controls you.. *